​​Experiencing God's Love

Who Is Our Senior Pastor?

Pastor Jerry Garcia joined our community 33 years ago with his lovely wife Wilma since 1978. Originally from Gary, Indiana and comes with a heart for inner city ministry. Today, He leads our congregation in faithful living and community service. 

What Are Our Core Values?

Just as Jesus said in the Beatitudes, blessed are the poor and the hungry. Our mission is not just to love one another, but to make sure we spread the love of the Gospel everywhere.

​What Do We Teach?

We use both the Old Testament and the Gospels as the foundation for our faith and the inspiration for our daily lives. We put those teachings into practice at home and at work.

FRIDAYS, 7:00pm,  Uth Life
Specially designed for X'er's to Millennials. Questions, concerns and challenges confronted are addressed in dynamic, relevant teachings in order that they freely contribute to their world.

2017, 1st Quarter
Pastor Jerry leads study on Human Behavior focusing on our 7 attributes and dynamics with others.



Let Light shine day by day

At New Life ICC, it's our mission to explore your relationship with God and improve those meaningful relationships in our Family life, Friends and Community. Join us to experience our life journey and write the best chapters of our life Story together. Your Life in Christ is a BEST SELLER

See you Soon!

What's New?

New Life Int'l Christian Center

Centro Cristiano Nueva Vida

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Counseling Assistance

  • Family
  • Addictions
  • Work place
  • Finance

Call Pastor Jerry for appt.

(941) 456-0219

Sunday Celebration

9:30am - Espanol

11:30am - English

Monday Prayer - 7:pm-8:pm

Wednesday Study - 7:pm

Friday - YOUTH  - 7:pm